After four years of hard work, my indomitable client
Dann Wonser has published his book, Second Wind: Thriving with Cancer, a hybrid memoir and handbook. Dann is now directing his irrepressible energy to getting this first-person account of his relationship to lung cancer into the hands of anyone who might benefit from its company, spirit, and practical advice.

During the twelve years that Dann has been living with Stage IV lung cancer, he has gone from an intensely private person to someone who has dedicated himself to writing about and sharing his experience–fighting fiercely to live well, to stay current with innovations in cancer treatment, and to find joy in everyday occurrences, whether large or small, daunting or rewarding. This book was born as a series of email updates to family and friends, evolved into an inspirational blog, and eventually stabilized in its current form as a collection of short thematically organized chapters, each one kicking off with an inspirational quote and wrapping up with suggestions for practical actions to take. His primary intended audience is people who are living with cancer, or those in their immediate circles. All proceeds from book sales will go to cancer research.
If you know anyone for whom Dann’s honest, unpretentious, hopeful style might provide comfort and companionship, please spread the word via the following link to his website and to a brief description of the book: